HelloBecause my fundamental rights were brutally violated by the national (Romanian) mobsters misnamed authorities, I've asked for the EU's help. But the EU mobsters, so-called officials, refused to help me, even though the EU beasts barked all day long that they would do it.I'm looking now for an English-speaking lawyer in order to file an action against the EU (at least against the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, DGJC, of the EU Commission, and the Committee on Petitions, PETI, of the EU Parliament) with the ECJ for "failure to act", (failure to help me) according to the provisions of art.: 256.1, 263 par. 4, 265 par. 3, 268 and 340 para 2, TFEU. You don't have to be a specialist in this domain; there are no other EU legal provisions than those mentioned above that could be considered. (For details see the website https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/630333/EPRS_BRI(201

630333_EN.pdf) I even filed the lawsuit myself, but it was not accepted because it was not signed by a lawyer; so, I can make it available to you.Later on, I will most likely have to lodge a complaint against Romania with the ECtHR.